full transcript

From the Ted Talk by TED-Ed: How much electricity does it take to power the world?

Unscramble the Blue Letters

That number isn't the complete picture. We'll also have to use electricity in completely new ways. Right now, we power a lot of things by burning fossil fuels, emitting an uaalntnsuisbe aoumnt of greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming. We’ll have to eliminate these emissions entirely to ensure a sustainable future for hmatuniy. The first step to doing so, for many industries, is to switch from fossil fuels to electric power. We'll need to electrify cars, scwtih buildings heated by natuarl gas fuceanrs to electric heat pumps, and electrify the huge amount of heat used in iuidarntsl processes. So all told, goblal electricity needs could triple by 2050.

Open Cloze

That number isn't the complete picture. We'll also have to use electricity in completely new ways. Right now, we power a lot of things by burning fossil fuels, emitting an _____________ ______ of greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming. We’ll have to eliminate these emissions entirely to ensure a sustainable future for ________. The first step to doing so, for many industries, is to switch from fossil fuels to electric power. We'll need to electrify cars, ______ buildings heated by _______ gas ________ to electric heat pumps, and electrify the huge amount of heat used in __________ processes. So all told, ______ electricity needs could triple by 2050.


  1. industrial
  2. switch
  3. natural
  4. amount
  5. furnaces
  6. humanity
  7. unsustainable
  8. global

Original Text

That number isn't the complete picture. We'll also have to use electricity in completely new ways. Right now, we power a lot of things by burning fossil fuels, emitting an unsustainable amount of greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming. We’ll have to eliminate these emissions entirely to ensure a sustainable future for humanity. The first step to doing so, for many industries, is to switch from fossil fuels to electric power. We'll need to electrify cars, switch buildings heated by natural gas furnaces to electric heat pumps, and electrify the huge amount of heat used in industrial processes. So all told, global electricity needs could triple by 2050.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
fossil fuels 3
energy sources 3
measure electricity 2
clean energy 2

Important Words

  1. amount
  2. buildings
  3. burning
  4. cars
  5. complete
  6. completely
  7. contribute
  8. electric
  9. electricity
  10. electrify
  11. eliminate
  12. emissions
  13. emitting
  14. ensure
  15. fossil
  16. fuels
  17. furnaces
  18. future
  19. gas
  20. gases
  21. global
  22. greenhouse
  23. heat
  24. heated
  25. huge
  26. humanity
  27. industrial
  28. industries
  29. lot
  30. natural
  31. number
  32. picture
  33. power
  34. processes
  35. pumps
  36. step
  37. sustainable
  38. switch
  39. told
  40. triple
  41. unsustainable
  42. warming
  43. ways